~ ..la Volpe Funambola ammazzaprincipi.. ~
~ Fragile ~

"...Sometimes it feels it would be easier to fall
than to flutter in the air with these wings so weak and torn..."

Original Blog -> Nepenthe

- EviLfloWeR -

* photos on flickr *
Lunacy 2 - Lunacy 3 - Lunacy 4
Lunacy 5 - Lunacy 6 - Lunacy 7 - Lunacy 8
Lunacy Ph

"Do asilo dentro di me come a un nemico che temo d’offendere,
un cuore eccessivamente spontaneo
che sente tutto ciò che sogno come se fosse reale;
che accompagna col piede la melodia
delle canzoni che il mio pensiero canta,
tristi canzoni, come le strade strette quando piove.

- F. Pessoa -


- We’re going nowhere...All the way to nowhere –

"Forse sono l’uomo con le leggendarie quattro mani
Per toccare, per curare, implorare e strangolare.
Ma io non so chi sono,
e tu ancora non sai chi sono..."

F. R.

giovedì 30 giugno 2011

Beyond the looking glass

Friday, January 28, 2011 - ore 15:48

~ Beyond a shattered looking glass, fairytale becomes nightmare.
Imagination becomes madness.
Toys become Weapons.
Friend becomes foe and time is running out.
Alice grew up, so did wonderland. ~

Let’s talk about you?

"Enough about you, let’s talk about me
My ego refuses to hear or see
To be distressed by your reality

Don’t give a fuck about you, it’s all about me
I know I control the struggle to be pseudo-free
to keep loss at arms’ length
to make you bow and bend

So come and get me babe
Come invade my mind
Chew and tell me what my shit tastes like

So come and take me babe
Are you of my kind?
Laughing in denial when the end is nigh

Enough about you, let’s talk about me
My disastrous lies will make you bleed for me
And I will lure you into my reality

Don’t give a fuck about you, it’s all about me
For I am the big star and you’re just a wanna-be, wanna be
with me

Keep your love at arms’ length
Can’t make me bow and bend

So come and get me babe
Come invade my mind
Chew and tell me what my shit tastes like

So come and take me babe
Are you of my kind?
Laughing in denial when the end is nigh"

* * *

<<If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn’t.
And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn’t be, and what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?>>

"She´s selling a damned soul
to whoever pays the most.
Her body, the cure
for all evil and good.

Red as the veins, she likes to swim in
floating so gently, through this human misery.."

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